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Who would have thought that a family with a name like BURROWS would be Polish!  But I am...Full blooded...and very proud of my heritage and my lineage. My dad's family's orignial name was BUBROWSKI, although the original family spelling before that was BOBROWSKI.  My dad, for some reason, in 1943, changed his name to BURROWS.  I suspect that he did so that he would not have to contend with prejudice during the war.  Also having a job was very important then.  Since my dad was in sales, he was employed in war-sensitive sales at the time.  I also surmise that he was asked to change it, although I could be wrong.
BOBROWSKI is an E. German surname originating in the areas of West Prussia and East Pommern (East Pomerania).  It means 'coming from Bobrow', Bobrow--bobr (slavic)=3DBober(german)--biber (german)=3Dbeaver (English).  Apparantly the area adopted by my distant family occupied an area with lots of beaver or they hunted beaver for survival.  Hence the name BOBROWSKI.  It is of Kashubian origin.  The Kashubs, or Cassoubs (Kaszuby in Polish) are descendents of Slavic Pomeranians who lived in the area just west of Gdansk, where the main town is Kartuzy. 
Known facts in my research that are related to my family somehow
-Kashubia (or Kashuby) included Gdansk (Dansig in German) and an egg-shaped region north, south, and west of Gdansk, covering in part the present day Polish provinces of Bydgoszcs, Gdansk, and Slupak.
-Pomorze ('land along the sea') was the home of a Western Slavic tribe known as the Pomeranians who inhabited the coastal area near the Baltic Sea from the Oder and  the Vistula rivers.
-Eastern Pomerania (called Gdansk Pomerania by the Poles) united the rest of Poland in 1466 by the Treaty of Toru'n and became known as Royal Prussia.
-Prussia annexed the area and it became known as West Prussia. Pomerania was returned to Poland, except for Gdansk, which was made a free city in 1919, until the end of Nazi occupation in 1945, when it was finally returned to Poland.
-in 1800, the Bobrowski family was granted COUNT-ship to all males by the Holy Roman Empire and Austria
-the capital of Pomerania was Stettin (Szczecin, present day)
-Kartuzy was named Karthaus in West Prussia and was in Kreis Karthaus in Westpreussen, due east of Danzig and due south of Neustadt Province in Pommern (Pomerania)
-A reference to Pierszewo (Pierszczewo - see map below) is given as a possible origin town for my family.  Actually Pierszewo was the village, Stecyca was the parish which administered to that village.
-Our heraldry in under the Jastrzebiec Herb and yes we do have a crest.  
There are more minor details but these are the major ones that I found interesting.  I will be including a lengthy history of Poland, Pomerania, Prussia, and possibly Kashubia in the box below this text.
Thomas Richard Bubrowski (Changed to Burrows, 1943)
5/22/1942 - 9/8/2001
Diane Angela Burrows
6/2/1946 -
David Paul Burrows
10/14/1951 -
Robert Jonathan Burrows
(1/29/1958 -
Ceslaus (Chester) John Bubrowski
1/11/1918 -
brothers and sisters
1)Eudora (Dora) Bubrowski
11/11/1906 - 11/ /1981
married William Luetzel
7/11/1903 - 2/ /1945 - Kyushu Island, Japan Fukuoko #1
2)Franciscus Bubrowski (Francis)
8/9/1914 - 2/7/1916
3)Eduardus Bubrowski
4/16/1920 - 3/25/1926
Note:  My dad mentioned earlier this year (2005) that he had a brother that he never mentioned before until I saw a picture of him on his tv at home.  He said his name was John and the last time he was seen was in Chicago around 1958 or 1959.  John was the younger brother.  I'll keep you informed as I find out more.
Stanislava (Stella) Adamski
5/9/1921 - 10/5/2006 on mom and dad's 66th anniversary!
brother and sisters
1)Eleonora Adamski
9/9/1924 - 3/25/1950 (25)
2)Eduardus Adamski (Edward)
11/14/1916 - 2/ /1978
married Louise Demski 10/15/1949
3)Eugenia Adamski (Virginia)
3/31/1915 -
married Edmond Kozlowski 6/26/1937
12/24/1913 - 6/26/1999
Edmond's parents were:
Martin Kozlowski - father
Stefania Witczak - mother
a)father's parents
Stanislaus (Stanley) Bobrowski
1883(?) (Poland) - 10/16/1930 - age 47
Theordora (Dorae)  Kaczorowska
(dates unknown)
b)mother's parents
Stanislaus (Stanley) Adamski
1893(2) - 9/19/1946 - age 53
Angela Cwioro
1896(5) - 1/7/1939 - age 43
(grandfather's on mother's side known only)
Michael Adamski
1868(?) - (unk) - Married 1/24/1910, age 42
Veronica Biskupska
(dates unknown)
-Groom - from Trewejewo Province of Poznan Poland - Prussia controlled area
-Bride - from Kostrzyn Province of Poznan Poland - Prussian controlled area
(known on mother's side only)
a)Parents to Michael Adamski
Valentine Adamski
(dates unknown)
Anthonia (?)
(dates and last name unknown)
b)Parents to Veronica Biskupksa
Lucas Tondrowski
(dates unknown)
Anthonia Goldynska
(dates unknown)




Poland - A Brief History
Several European nations are the fruit of the vast migration of peoples in the early middle ages.
This is not the case of Poland.  Studies of the prehistoric era, based largely on excavations, prove that the present-day Polish people are the descendents of tribes living in the same sites thousands of years ago.  The discovery of the remains of the town of Biskupin and further archeological studies prove that the buildings found on the island in the lake of Biskupin date from well before the birth of Christ.
The birth of Poland as an independent nation coincides with the ascension of Mieszko I, in the year 960.
The major achievements of Mieszko was the adoption of the Christian faith under the authority of Rome - a fact which shaped Poland's history for the following centuries, and to this day.
Mieszko I died in A.D. 992.  He was succeeded by his son, Boleslaw the Brave, who extended the boundaries of Poland and at the head of his army reached Kiev on the River Dnieper, later the capital of the Ukraine.  He in turn was succeeded by his son Kieszko II, who reigned from 1025 to 1034.  All these kings were members of the Dynasty of Piast, which continued its rule for several centuries.
The territory of Poland of that time was quite similar of the present one, except that it did not include much of Silesia.
After several kings of the House of Piast, it produced its greatest monarch - Casimir the Great (1333-1378), who achieved during his long reign many changes and improvements throughout the country.  Many splendid buildings - churches and castles - built under Casimir are still there.  He allowed the Jews, expelled from other European countries, to settle in Poland and enjoy full freedom, including in religion and business.
Not all kings of Poland were Polish.  There is nothing in that - after all, the present royal house of Britain is of German origin.  King Louis (1370-1382) was a member of the French House of Anjou, founded by Saint Louis, but he was also king of Hungary, Poland, Dalmatia, Croatia, Rama, Serbia, Galacia, Lodomeria, Romania, and Bulgaria.  The vast empire of the Anjou dynasty did not promise to last long, as Louis had as yet no issue.  Later he had two daughters: the princesses Elisabeth and Jadwiga, who became Queen of Poland in 1384.
Lithuania was at the time a major power. It extended over the territories now known as Bielorussia and Ukraine.  It was in conflict with Poland and several battles were fought.  The Polish senators, however, planned a masterpiece of statesmanship: a marriage of Grand Duke Jagiella with Queen Jadwiga.  It would be a great sacrifice on her part, as the grand duke was three times her age and she was a beauty.
Jagiello was baptized in the Catholic faith and took the name Wladyslaw.  The Lithuanians were at the time pagans, worshipping snakes.  Jagiello's brother Witold was also baptized.  The union of Poland and Lithuania was not an annexation.  Lithuania retained its identity and kept it for centuries, but the King of Poland was also Grand Duke of Lithuania.
The union of the two nations resulted in the largest power in Europe and remained in force for the following centuries.  Some of the greatest men in Poland - such as the poet Mickiewicz in the 19th century and the national leader Pilsudski in the 20th - were of Lithuanian origin, but they did not know the Lithuanian language which, unlike Polish, is not a Slavonic language.  The population of Lithuania was largely Ruthenian.
Jagiello proved to be a great statesman and became the founder of the Jagiellonian dynasty, which ruled the union for centuries.
Both Lithuania and Poland had been attacked by the Order of Teutonic Knights, a military order based in East Prussia.  The German order was a major power which endeavored to extend its area eastward and south, and the Teutonic Knights were armed better than most European nations.  Yet when the Teutonic Knights attacked in 1410, the united Polish and Lithuanian forces under the command of Jagwiello defeated them in the great battle of Grunwald.  Thus the Prussian efforts to conquer the entire Baltic coast and the northern provinces of the Polish-Lithuanian union were finished forever.
The last Jagwiellonian king was Zygmunt-August (1548-1572).  He was followed by Henri de Valois, a Frenchman.  The next kings were Stefan-Batory, a Hungarian, and Zygmunt Vasa, a Swede.  The throne of the Polish-Lithuanian union was elective - a democratic feature unknown in other European countries.  Foreign princes were elected largely because a Polish king might be considered as a favor for Poland and a Lithuanian one a favor for his country, while a foreigner was neutral.
Nevertheless, one of the best kings was Jan Sobieski (1674-1696), who saved Europe from a Turkish invasion.  The Ottoman empire was then a major power.  Its huge army beseiged Vienna, which had been seized it would have meant the victorious Turkish army would continue its invasion and thus place western Europe in mortal danger.  Jan Sobieski, a great commander, saved Europe.  His letters to his wife, a French princess, are a literary masterpiece.
The last king of the Union was Stanislaw Poniatowski (1764-1795).
In 1796, three powers - Germany, Russia, and Austria - joined in attacking and partitioning Poland.  Thadeus Kosciuszko, who had taken an active part in the American Revolution, fought to the last but could not defeat the three major powers, which partitioned the "Commonwealth of Both Nations" as the Polish-Lithuanian Union was called.
Throughout the 19th century Poland endeavored to win back its freedom, the the difference of power was too great.  Through the uprisings of 1830 and 1863 the unequal battle continued, at the cost of thousands of lives.
The First World War offered and opportunity: Pilsudski organized underground "The Legion" which fought against Russia.  At the end of the was the Congress of Versailles was negotiating peace terms, with Poland's independence as one of the goals, largely thanks to the efforts of the great pianist Paderewski, who was a friend of President Wilson.
Poland was independent again in 1918, but just two years later the Soviet army attacked it, trying to recover the conquest of the czars.
With only two years to organize an army, Pilsudski was helped by his Legionnaires and when the Soviet army approached Warsaw he defeated it and chased the Russians as far as Kiev. Stalin, a member of the Red Army, never forgot the humiliation he suffered, hence his hatred for Poland.
The Second World War started in Poland, with the German invasion in September 1939.  Poland had no chance against the powerful German army and air force, but nevertheless resisted for a long time and continued to fight when the German invaders had already conquered half of the country.  Actually, the Polish forces gave France and Britain time to prepare their armies.
The Polish soldiers managed to get to the west when further defense was impossible, and joined the French and British.  Their help was particularly significant in the British Royal Air Force, which had excellent aircraft but not enough experienced pilots.  In the German air attacks against Enland - the Battle of Britain - Polish fighter pilots shot down more German bombers than the British themselves.
Most European countries invaded by the Germans formed pro-Nazi governmens; this was particularly evident in France.  While other nations, including France, had their Quislings, Poland never did.
At the end of the Second World War, Poland was compelled by its Yalta Pact allies Britain and the United States to submit to a Communist government.  It was against the will of the Polish nation, which had a great deal of experience with Russia and did not trust it, and communism was alien to a Catholic nation.
The election of a Polish pope the first non-Italian in generations helped to support the national spirit and contributed considerably in shaking off the communist rule.
Without resort to violence, the Polish nation restored its independence and without any talk about "the people", it chose as it leader a working man and devout Catholic -Lech Walesa.
The new Poland is quite different from the pre-war one: it is not even the same on the map - the whole country was moved miles to the west.
Perhapes even more important was the change in the population.  Pre-war Poland had some 30% of minorities: Germans in the west, Ukrainians and Bielorusssians in the east and Jews in most towns.  Now the Germans had gone to Germany, the Ukrainians acquired some eastern sections in the east and the Jews who survived the Nazi terror emigrated to Israel.  Poland is today a very homogenous country, with about 95% of the people of the same origin, the same language and religion.
Pomerania - A History
The historical region of Pomerania (Polish: Pomorze, German: Pommern) comprised the areas of the southern coast of the Baltic Sea between the estuaries of the Oder and Vistula Rivers.  During the Middle Ages it was mostly inhabited by Slavonic peoples akin to the  Poles.  The eastern portion of this region then became part of Royal Prussia and since that time the name Pomerania has been limited to the western and central parts of the region (except for Poland, where the old usage of the term "Pomerania" has been retained.)
Until the 17th century, the Province of Pomerania, was ruled by native princes but under the dependence of Poland (up to the 12 th century), and later Brandenburg and Sweden.  Its inhabitants accepted Protestantism and were influenced by the German culture.  More and more Germans settled there and the original Slavonic inhabitants gradually lost their original language.  In the early 1600's Pomerania was annexed by Sweden.  During the next century most of it was incorporated into Brandenburg, therefore becoming part of Prussia.
In 1815 northern portions of historical Brandenburg, so-called Neumark, were added to Pomerania together with some former parts of the Kingdom of Poland, which were already taken by Brandenburg in the second half of the century.  At this point Pomerania was practically entirely German-speaking and Protestant, except for the easternmost districts (once Polish) where a Polish-speaking, partially Catholic minority remained.
This province remained in Germany after WWI.  Minor adjustments were made to the Polish border in 1920.
After WWII, the greater part of Pomerania was incorporated into Poland.  The German inhabitants of the province escaped or were expelled and the Poles from the formerly Polish regions in the East settled in Pomerania.  Only the western districts (German: Vorpommern) remained part of post-WWII Germany.
Debbie hasn't really given me any details on her heritage as yet.  I am the only one really seeking information.  The one thing she has said is that her family is from Minnesota and that she has some Chippewa Indian blood in her ancestry.  Also her grandmother was named Warden (I believe that is correct) and that by marrying her, I can where a kilt!  The pattern is reflective of the Region of Angus.  That is why there are Scottish links that follow. 
Debbie's last name (maiden name) is ZIEGENBEIN.  She comes from German/ Czech stock.  Makes life really interesting!
I will give you more information as I get it.


Angus Scotland

Cyndi's List of Genealogy on the Internet

Mormon Genealogy Site


Kashubian Association of North America - KANA -

Polish American Cultural Center

Polish Folk Resources

Polish Genealogical Society of America

Polish Language Lessons

Regions of Poland

Polish Worldwide WEB Resources

Polish Roots

Pomeranian Maps


Tartans of Scotland

The Gathering of the Clans

Pomorskie Province

Welcome to Angus